Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moon Knight and The Spectre

Moon Knight is a property that should be on the short list of future Netflix series for Marvel.  He's another street level hero that firs right in with the Daredevil, Luke Cage iron Fist and Jessica Jones.  Plus his split personality will make for some very interesting story lines as well as plenty for a gifted actor to work with.  Really, the toughest part would be translating the white costume to a workable live action version.


  1. Loved the title...and the tag line. :-)

  2. Now, this is one pairing I would NEVER have thought of! Well done.

    How about a Buffy/Vampirella/Star Trek: TOS team-up, next?

  3. I was inspired by your earlier tribute to David Bowie, making a team-up between two characters that he portrayed. I wondered about the same being done for Leonard Nimoy in which his two most famous characters, Mr. Spock of Star Trek and Paris of Mission Impossible, come together. Another thought that I had was Capt. Kirk and Steve McGarrett, as played by Jack Lord. This came to mind because I had heard that Lord was the original desire to play Kirk on Star Trek. Perhaps they could go against Wo Fat and Harry Mudd.

  4. A silvery-gray costume would work, so long as it isn't too bright.

  5. Great cover. Now The SPECTER needs to team-up with The SHROUD.

  6. Did you every do a cover with Superman and the Absorbing Man ? It could be a villa in team-up with the Parasite...

  7. Man, you mirrored every thought I've had about MK getting the screen treatment. I think he's just enough under the radar that any adaptation could be revised to make it an easier concept for expanding the audience. As for the costume, cool as it looks in the art, I think the cape could be jettisoned.

  8. Yeah no kidding Ross. MK is beyond perfect for all the reasons you mentioned and then some. Plus to see the Mr. Knight white suited look showing up, damn that'd be cool.

  9. They could go for the current look, that's just a white suit and the mask. He's also had a couple suits that are more black with white accenting.

  10. It would be great t see a Spectre/Outsidder pairing. Both are white skinned personas who's alter egos Corrigsn and Alfred Pennyworth seemed to perish but are alive and revived, while these beings have cosmic abilities

  11. Until I saw this cover, I'd never noticed the great costume similarity between the Spectre and Raven of the New Teen Titans. Have you ever paired those two, Ross?

  12. How about Raven and Moon Knight?

  13. After seeing the Moon Knight TV Show, I just thought how much he has in common with the Spectre as well as Batman. I thought you might have done a crossover and here it is!
