Friday, December 18, 2015

Kiss and Dial "H" For Hero

Dial "H" For Hero was a crazy concept but I remember getting quite a kick out of it.  As a kid that loved to create my own superheroes, it was cool to see what others my age had come up with - even cooler to see them in action by professional artists and writers.  Most of the characters were really off the wall, but every once in a while there would be one that I thought was cool enough to be a mainstream star.


  1. I was a big fan of the first two Dial H series (four of my characters were used in the second series). Didn't like the third one very much, but the fourth was the only New 52 book that I really liked. But teaming Robb Reed with KISS is brilliantly bizarre.

  2. I was a big fan of the first two Dial H series (four of my characters were used in the second series). Didn't like the third one very much, but the fourth was the only New 52 book that I really liked. But teaming Robb Reed with KISS is brilliantly bizarre.

  3. I first came across the original "Dial 'H' For Hero" as a series of reprints in the back pages of Silver Age Superboy issues, where the main tale had been less-than-full-length. And, like you, I found it a fascinating concept. Even more so, when it was reintroduced, in the 1970's through the teenage characters, Vicki and Chris!

    I also loved the NBC TV-movie "KISS vs. The Phantom of the Park" (where they battled a mad roboticist played by Anthony Zerbe), which premiered at roughly the same time. And that goes double for the Bad "Guys" in your team-up apparently being a Decepticon version of the Mighty Awful Barfin Rangers!!*

    In the immortal words of a certain beer commercial: "Brilliant!!!"

    *There's a limit to how much cheesy, recycled Japanese sci-fi I can tolerate.

  4. I have barely read the Dial H series but KISS is one of my top 2 fav bands of all time! Love it! Their Marvel Comics adventures are really fun.

  5. Robby Reed also appeared, with H-dial, as part of a hastily-assembled 'Titans West' revival (because he'd been with Mal & Karen [Bumblebee], having the dial studied by Karen at a STAR Labs facility, when those two were called upon for help)in the post-crisis Hawk & Dove series' first annual. It's an enjoyable read, if you can find a copy.

  6. Unfortunately, my copy is put away in the attic and it's not worth the effort to dig it out--but IIRC, it was Chris King with the H-dial in the HAWK & DOVE Annual.

    I remember his turning into an Old West version of J'Onn J'Onzz called "The Martian Marshal". ^__^

  7. An excellent combination, again. I'd love to know from which cover and/or comics the robots come from. Thanks in advance!

  8. It's a background from a Presto-Magix transfer set.

  9. Thanks for the info!
