Monday, October 19, 2015

The Black Cat and Jimmy Olsen

Jimmy Olsen is set to be a character in the upcoming Supergirl series, but from descriptions, it sounds like he will not be the awkward redhead we know from the comics.  Come to think of it, in all of his various live action movie and television depictions, Jimmy has never been accurately portrayed as having red hair. Just another example of DC's anti-ginger bias, I tell you!


  1. I sense your sarcasm (?) but fans sound ridiculous when they say that

  2. Ashmore, with his sandy-brown hair, came the closest on SMALLVILLE.

    I just hope the version on SUPERGIRL is a little more like the Mr. Action of the 1970's comic book.

  3. I have to admit, it definitely seems odd that the actor cast as Jimmy (Mehcad Brooks) is taller than all but one actor (Christopher Reeve) to play Superman in live-action productions. Kinda seems... not right for Jimmy, y'know? Eh, maybe it's just me.

  4. What about Sam Huntington in Superman Returns?

  5. He's my favorite Jimmy so far, but his hair was blond/brunette in that.

  6. I just looked at images from the movie, and it looks to me like his hair was at least reddish, though certainly not a flaming redhead. Here are a couple of the pictures I looked at that gave me that impression:

    In that second picture, it's what I've heard some people describe as a "light red" rather than a bright flaming red.
