Sunday, October 18, 2015

Speedy Vs. The Hulk

I am liking that Marvel's movies are becoming more and more like the comics in that any character can pop up in another's story.    First it was announced that Captain America: Civil War would be a Cap/Iron Man match up (not to mention appearances by a small army of other Marvel movie heroes, old and new), and now comes word that Thor: Ragnarok will also be starring The Hulk as well as the God of Thunder.  I like the interaction between the two characters and it is going to be cool to see that fleshed out further.


  1. Sounds like it's going to be a live action version of that VS. animated film...perhaps. I think I am more excited by the introduction of Valkyrie! Perhaps Marvel's Fourth or Fifth wave with feature Dr. Strange, The Hulk and Valkyrie as The Defenders...we need to arm-twist Fox for Silver Surfer...

  2. this like hawkman drawing the short straw in justice league of america 200.speedy you are screwede

  3. Dear Kevin:

    He'd probably rather have that honor from the brunette he's shielding.*

    *Sorry! Her hotness reminded me of that Swedish princess from "KINGSMEN THE MOVIE."
