Wednesday, September 16, 2015

You too can help out Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues!

Just a quick reminder about how you can help to keep the blog going - while it is a labor of love, it is still (despite what some may think) a one-man operation and can be quite time consuming to keep up on a daily basis. Every little bit of support helps

The blog will of course always be free, but if you would like to help support the blog, there are a few ways to do so - by advertising (still dirt cheap, my ads usually go for a few pennies a day), by making a one time contribution by clicking on the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page, or by becoming a Patron.  While I take suggestions from anyone, Patrons of course will get special consideration.

Thanks again, and especially thanks for coming by for your daily dose of team up fun!


  1. Just how does one go about contacting you to discover what the advertising rates are?

  2. Just click where it says "your ad here, right now" at the bottom of any of the ads. That will take you to the Project Wonderful ad rate page.
