Sunday, September 13, 2015

Man-Thing and Mr. Monster

I know that Man-Thing starred in a cheesy Sci Fi channel movie a few years back, but I would like to see him get another shot at live action.  Marvel was able to pull off Groot effectively in Guardians of the Galaxy, so there's no reason that they can't create a convincing CGI Man-Thing as well.  Where would he fit in though?  Perhaps a guest appearance in a Doctor Strange film would be the way to go.


  1. Netflix. Definitely Netflix.
    I've been more of a pre-Alan Moore Swamp Thing fan m'se' there something unique about Man-Thing that makes him different?

  2. whoever knows fear burns at his touch also his swamp is at nexus of realities

  3. Man oh man, my new shirt has arrived! Great image. I've been a big Mr. Monster fan right from the get- go, so it's great to see him back, Terrific job! BigJeff

  4. Why not a live-action Mr. Monster film guest-starring Ted Sallis' predecessor; the Heap?

    If both Golden Agers are now public domain, the waiting time for such a film might be a whole lot less!

  5. Off topic: 16 years have passed, but I still miss the Moon.


  6. @ Kid Charlemagne: maybe Space Ghost could land there, next.*

    *Hint-hint, Ross. ;-)

  7. @ Kid Charlemagne: Well, then, ask if him he can do "Space: 1999 meets Battlestar Galactica: TOS?"

    "By--your--command!" ;-)

  8. How about a Batman team-up with "Four Famous Co-Stars". The "famous co-stars" could consist of Blade, Mr. Monster, and Dr. Spektor (from the old Gold Key comic) versus Dracula!
