Friday, June 19, 2015

Robocop and Deathlok

I want to love Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. on TV, I really do.  Instead, I only just like it.  Mainly because they keep teasing cool concepts only to present them in a lackluster way.  They had been hinting at Mr. Hyde all season, but when Calvin Zabo made his transformation, he looked like something out of the 70's Hulk TV show.  The worst offence is with Deathlok.  I have always been a fan of the character, but the watered down version they present on the show is a real disappointment.  At least they did an OK job with The Absorbing Man.


  1. I totally agree! Deathlock was a disappointment except the short ex rayed snippet they gave us but Mr. Hyde was a big let down, I guess it wasn't in the budget. Still I've stuck with the show and it has improved. As for this cover, great job! I love it when I am able to recognize one of the sources you used, mostly because it happens so rarely.

  2. Guys, I feel the same about the show. Potential but not always good on the execution.

  3. For every Arrow or the Flash there is an Agents of SHIELD or a Gotham. Which is not to say I don't enjoy the latter, but obviously prefer the former.

  4. I think the big problem with AoS's Deathlok is that he's just a generic cyborg super soldier (well, a generic cyborg super soldier played by a really good actor, but he's frankly wasted in the part). To me, an important part of the central concept of Deathlok is that he's basically an animated cyborg corpse with a living brain. It's such a terrifying, mind-blowing idea. Without that aspect, it's just not Deathlok.

  5. At the risk of speaking blasphemy. I admit that Deathlok does not interest me as much as Mike Peterson does. If he returns, let him have more give and take like he had with Lincoln. (Who will be a regular next season) A good character needs a good foil and at least until Lincoln, there certainly wasn't one.

  6. All this nay-saying makes me glad my local cable provider doesn't offer AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. (or GLEE...or VAMPIRE DIARIES...or COMMUNITY).
