Saturday, May 9, 2015

Robin and Daredevil in: "Dynamic Do-Over!"

I was not surprised but very happy to learn that Daredevil has been picked up for another season by Netflix. I have been re-watching some of the episodes and they hold up to repeated viewings.  I'd be interested in seeing Daredevil regulars Bullseye and Elektra making appearances... but the what I would really like to see is Black Widow show up in an episode or two.  The issues where they would share cover billing were my introduction to the hero of Hell's Kitchen.


  1. I've read where Daredevil's basic, stripped down approach had a negative backlash toward Age of Ultron. We may reached super-hero film fatigue. I like Daredevil. I've only seen the first episode, though. It is interesting that it is disconnected from the Marvel Universe - there have been no SHIELD cameos. I would like to see a Daredevil-Black Widow team-up...but it looks more like DD is setting up a different wing, with Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders...

    I'm interested to see what develops with Titans on TNT...

  2. It's not disconnected. The show references the Battle of New York and its widespread destruction several times. Owl, Gladiator, and Crane Mother all played subtly to please comics fans but go unnoticed by general audience. They just haven't expanded to more costumed characters yet.

  3. here is an idea for a cover. phil Coulson, agent of shield teaming up with the arrow and the flash from the cw. what do you think, it could take one that one cover to tell the story?

  4. how about phil Coulson, agent of shield teaming up with the arrow and the flash from the cw to save hawkeye and quicksilver.

  5. I've seen the commercials for the Netflix series, and I have to confess...I'm pretty disappointed how identical the DD costume is to the Rex Smith version from the NBC TV-movie TRIAL OF THE INCREDIBLE HULK.*

    *Where John Rhys-Davies played the Kingpin.

  6. I still prefer the Ben Affleck version of DD, best. The costume version worn by the Netflix version looks too much like the capeless Shroud outfit worn by Rex Smith in TRIAL OF THE INCREDIBLE HULK.

    1. Yes! As opposed to some, I liked Affleck's DD.
