Sunday, May 10, 2015

Captain Marvel and Spider-Man

Marvel says that the new cinematic Spider-Man with have a costume that will stand out from the ones worn by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield.  I'm not sure how much different they can go without departing from the classic design too much.  My guess is that it will look more low tech - silkscreened webs instead of raised webbing?  Or would that look too cheap? Maybe they will include the classic Ditko under arm webbing?  I doubt it, but that would be kind of cool.


  1. Excellent! Have you ever done Golden Age Capt. Marvel/Thor from the Silver Age? Two mere mortals transformed by magical lightning into god-like beings.

  2. Yup, there's a Cap/Thor cover in the archives...

  3. Two, as a matter of fact...

  4. Now I'm wondering why Uncle Dudley and Aunt May's romance is doomed. He's a much better choice than Dr. Octopus and she almost married that one.

  5. how about phil Coulson, agent of shield teaming up with the arrow and the flash from the cw.

  6. Regarding the MCU Spider-Man...

    Thus far, NO ONE in the Marvel Cinematic Universe actually wears tights for a costume. Seems to me that this high school kid would be the perfect character to go with such a look, which the adults would immediately recognize as being impractical.

  7. RE: the new costume... Do you suppose it'll be more black and red, instead of the blue and red?

    If you look at the earliest illustrations of Spider-Man, there was a lot more ink, with blue for the highlights. Then as the inking got thinner, the costume morphed into "blue" and red... I think black and red could look good.

  8. I'm gonna go with Crazy Ivan's idea. Perhaps Peter starts out with his wrestling costume, gets in shredded and either a) discovers the talents of Netflix-verse Melvin Potter who has some experience building sturdy costumes that don't look too armoured, or b)receives an anonymous donation from the head of a now defunct espionage organization, a lightweight prototype SHIELD suit customized for the web head. "Practical" but not as armoured as Cap or Hawkeye's SHIELD gear. Maybe something like the CW's Flash outfit?

    I hated the first ASM movie suit, but DID like that weird basketball stuff they made the red parts out of. Maybe they'll use that material again but actually use it to make a costume that looks like Spider-Man's.

    And they really need to stop visiting the same tattoo parlour for the chest and back spider. If they want to change it there HAS to be more interesting designs than just fangs and spiky legs.

  9. Oops, forgot to say. Inspired choice of players and art as always! Of course Spidey would go to Fawcett City and wind up on the wrong side of the law. It's be fun to see the young adult try and out perform/work with the child at heart and the wisdom of Solomon.

    Aunt May and Uncle Dudley is the perfect follow up.

  10. i may have mentioned this before, but the romance I want to see is between Batman's butler Alfred and the newspaper comic section's Mary Worth. This is because (1) Joe Giella has worked on both features, and (2) it's not such a big leap from Mary Worth to Mary Pennyworth.

  11. @ David Welsh:

    Dr. Sivana is probably planning to feed the unlucky couple to "Rorrg: King of the Spider-Men."

    That's a Jack Kirby Golden Age monster reference, btw.
