Friday, April 3, 2015

Bumblebee and Bumblebee

I have always liked Bumbleblee from The Teen Titans as well as her boyfriend Mal Duncan, and I think that DC should do more with them.  I'm not sure why they never really moved past their status as Titans C-listers. I really like Bumblebee's new costume and hairstyle (which I think debuted on the animated Teen Titans show), she has one of the cooler looks around and I believe she has more than paid her dues as a character.


  1. Cool! That is just brilliant!

    I'm just spit-balling here, but I think that by the time Karen was introduced, Teen Titans was on the decline. The early to mid '70's were not kind to the Titans. Not even Mal's becoming The Guardian or Hornblower could help declining sales. It's a shame that with the renewed success that Wolfman and Perez brought to the New Teen Titans, they couldn't work a Classic Titans story with them in. They were able to ease Roy and Garth in to a couple storylines...

  2. Invısıble ChaırApril 3, 2015 at 9:28 AM

    Unlıke Marvel, DC just never really knew what to do their young or teen superheroes. Wıth the exceptıon of Wolfman & Perez who had a hot steak untıl ıt crashed ın the late 90s (the last two years of The New Teen Tıtans and the subsequent reboots were just awful storytellıng) DC never had the young blood wrıters and artısts who crowded Marvel, Wıldstorm, Image, and other ındependent publıshers. Thats only recently changed now.

  3. Two bees, or not two bees? That is the question.

  4. A personal anecdote: In the 1970s, I attended the same high school that Bob Rozakis, then the writer of the Teen Titans, graduated from a few years earlier. Some friends and I started a comic book club, and invited Bob to speak at one of our meetings. Not only did he give a great talk, but he also invited us to come to the DC offices for a personal tour, and he also wrote us into a Titans story (as a teenage gang called the Rocket Rollers).

  5. I love these "Same Name Game" team-ups. This cover says nothing about the story inside, but it still looks interesting enough that I'd want a peek inside.

    You know, you could similarly also team up Gar Logan and Kevin Sydney, both of whom have used the code-name Changeling (Gar with the Titans, Kevin with the Exiles).

  6. Oops! Correction: the version of Kevin known as Changeling was with the X-Men. The version with the Exiles is called Morph.

  7. Hey! How about the Red Bee, Yellowjacket, the Green Hornet, and the Blue Beetle?

  8. Didn't you see my team cover Insect Incorporated? Ambush bug already tried that, with disappointing results...

  9. Kudos and a super-lol, to BB, for the Shakespeare pun. :-)

  10. Sure, I saw it. Ambush Bug's problem was that he wasn't color-coordinated. ;)

  11. I agree with Mr. Greenwade's sentiments. How about Immortus (Avengers' version) vs. Immortus (Doom Patrol version), next?

  12. SING I WITH ME! I Love Bumblebee Bumblebee Tu-naa.
