Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"The Golfer": A New Robot by Eric Pearsall

My brother is back at it, with a new robot.   I got some great feedback when I posted his other robots, so I thought I would share this one as well:

Let's take the new guy for a spin:

Looks great, huh?  I love these!


  1. Is he supposed to be testing the wind before making his final putt?

  2. Looking good there. You didn't say if your brother named it or not.
    Just as a reminder,if you're in the room & hear the words "baby Ultron" you might want to dial 911.

  3. Oh yes, Eric names them all. No sentience... yet.

  4. Just found your site!

    All I can say is BRAVO!!

    I LOVE what you're doing!

    Keep em coming!
