Monday, January 19, 2015

Elasti-Girl and Elastigirl

The Incredibles is one of my favorite Pixar films, and that is saying a lot because I pretty much like them all.  A sequel has finally been announced. and I hope that they can meet the high standards of the first installment.  Pixar has a decent track record for sequels - Sure, Cars 2 was not as great as their usual fare, but I thoroughly enjoyed the follow ups to Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.  I am curious as to how much further down the road the Incredibles sequel will pick the story up.  Will they consider the real world time that has passed, or tell a tale that takes place only a short time after the events of the first film?


  1. Just yesterday I was thinking about this as a potential team-up. The team-ups between name-sharing heroes are the most interesting -- Captain Marvel's a favorite, and I think you've also done one or two others that are escaping my memory at the moment.

    (I'm still waiting to see if the MF Enterprises Captain Marvel ever makes a showing here!)

    Another Incredibles-related one I thought of was to create a team of lesser-known speedsters including Dash, Stan Lee's version of the Flash, Daphne Millbrook (from Heroes), and a couple of others (potentially including Hunter of the Road Rovers, and/or Speedy Gonzales). You could call them the "Also-Rans"!

  2. Brilliant!
    This is just too awesome!


    I can't help but think that this would be a "Ransom of Red Chief" situation.

  4. Ha - I actually starred as Red Chief when we did that play in my junior high school!

  5. Nice pairing! How about Rogue vs. Rouge, next?*

    *If only because most of their so-called "fans" are always misspelling their names! :P

  6. I second Anonymous' suggestion!

    (On a somewhat related tangent, I was really annoyed when the characters in the 2012 Human Bomb miniseries kept saying "diffuse" when they meant "defuse." "Diffuse" is what a bomb will do to you if you don't "defuse" it in time.)

    BTW, where did you find that animated-style image of Rita? I've never seen the Doom Patrol drawn in that style.

  7. Its from a DP image by Michel Loya.

  8. Best followup movie would be going backwards not forward - time travel. Have the kids go to past to solve crisis and see their parents in prime!
