Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bone and Tintin

I loved the Tintin CGI film from a couple of years abo and really hope that Peter Jackson and Stephen Spielberg find time in their schedules to continue the franchise.  Another character that would work very well with a similar type of film treatment is Bone.  Jeff Smith's epic story would be perfect for a lavishly computer generated movie.  I think there were serious talks about making such a film a reality  a while back, but I haven't seen or heard anything about it in a while.


  1. Cool triple team up if they're actually going to Mordor! You recently teamed up Tin Tin with Capt. Marvel so how about he share face time with Billy Batson. They're both intrepid young reporters. Or Tin Tin with Jimmy Olsen!

  2. Nickelodeon wanted to make a CGI Bone movie. However, Smith did not like their ideas for the property like making it a musical with Britney Spears songs.

  3. Personally, I don't see a film, based on the Jeff Smith, character, making it to the Silver Screen anytime soon. Too many potential "bones" of contention.

