Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Thing and The Creature Commandos

This is a team up that I have been wanting to do ever since my MTIO days, so I am glad to finally get around to it.   The Creature Commandos were a crazy concept, but that was part of their charm.  I think that Ben Grimm would fit right in with these guys, and it would be a blast to read about them sharing a mission together.


  1. It seems lıke Wıerd War Tales has been rebooted, featurıng I...Zombie (replacıng I...Vampire, I guess). I regret ı never had the funds (my allowance was a pıttance) to really consıstently buy comıcs lıke WWT, House of Mystery or Secrets, or any of the dıgests that they were reprınted ın, durıng the early 1980s. I suppose I can buy these old ıssues ın comıc shops, but I lıve overseas now and they are quıte rare here. sıgh.

  2. You're right, Ross. This would've made for a great MTIO adventure. Two issues-worth, at least! With Ben no doubt sent back into the past (via Doc Doom's confiscated time platform) to investigate some historical anomaly regarding himself. And, perhaps, the WWII forerunner of Hydra trying to get their hands on the high-tech future stuff in Rama Tut's version of the Sphinx!

  3. Ah! If only this were a real team-up. I could just picture Ben being sent back to WWII (via Doc Doom's confiscated time platform) to investigate some historical anomaly concerning him. Only to wind up aiding the Creature Commandos against an early version of Hydra. Led, perhaps, by the previous incarnation of Naja-naja (alias Lord Kobra)!
