Thursday, October 2, 2014

Calvin & Hobbes and Tintin (Part Two)

Tintin and Calvin and Hobbes are two of the most re-readable characters for me.  Herge and Bill Watterson filled their adventures with such imagination and gorgeous artwork that there is always something new to discover.  I am glad that their works are kept in print so that new generations can be inspired by their creations.


  1. As someone whose extended family is French-Carıbbean, I was introduced to the hardcover books of Tintin (and Asterix & Lucky Luke) by my diaspora cousins from Belgium, France, and Canada! And my sıster and I, in turn, ıntroduced them to the floppy soft-cover books of Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield and Bloom County! Even trade, I thınk!!

  2. As someone whose famıly ıs French-Carıbbean, I was ıntroduced the beautıful hardcover books of Tıntın (and Asterıx & Lucky Luke) by my dıaspora cousıns from Belıgıum, France and Montreal ın the'80s. And I turn ıntroduced them to the softcover books of Calvın & Hobbes and Bloom County. Pretty even trade, I thınk!!!

  3. Twice as nicely rendered as yesterday! :-D

    How about Zen the Intergalactic Ninja and Lee Falk's Phantom vs. Predators?

  4. This is nice but what I'd REALLY like to see is a team built of breakout characters that were created for other media and migrated to the mainline comics later.

    For example: Phil Coulson (Leader)
    Harley Quinn

    A great way to salute the characters that were never really meant to be all that important (or never really planned at all!) But took on a life of their own.

  5. I've actually been thinking about a way to include Coulson, that's not a bad idea.

  6. @Marc H.: You know, Jimmy Olsen fits into that category, too. He was introduced on the Superman radio series.

  7. I hate to nitpick, but if this cover was really true to the spirit of Calvin and Hobbes, Hobbes would look like a toy stuffed tiger . . . .

  8. How do you know that Calvin isn't imagining Tintin and Snowy as well?

  9. Thanks, Ross, for giving me a graceful way out . . . .

    By the way, is anyone out there familiar with the comic Amelia Rules? I always felt that it had a vague Calvin and Hobbes vibe . . .

  10. I was reminded of another that fits the list of haracters that migrated into the comics: Lex Luthor's assistant Mercy Graves. Now that causes me to think. (Dangerous I'm told) We have Lex Luthor's Henchwoman, the Joker's sidekick Harley Quinn, and while Firestar started as a heroine on TV, her first comic appearances were as one of Emma Frost's Hellions. And of course Coulson himself literally returning from the dead. SECOND CHANCERS anyone. (Maybe Jimmy Olsen could be trying to get a photo of the new team.)
