Saturday, September 27, 2014

Robots by Eric Pearsall

These are too cool not to share.  Every member of my family has always been artistic in their own way - Some are professional artists and some like my brother Eric and I express our creativity in our spare time.  For me, it is this blog - but for Eric, it's all about making robots in his workshop.  I always love what he comes up with, and I thought the folks who visit here would get a kick out of seeing them... so without further ado, here's a sampling of his creations:

This one he made for my Dad, a big car enthusiast:

He decided to give some of  his robots functions - this one rings its head:

Singin' in the Rain 'Bot has a lamppost that lights up:

This handsome fellow sits on a shelf and can hold on to your phone:

Here's The Thinker 'Bot:

and Eric's latest creation, The Atlas 'Bot:

I hope you didn't mind this brief departure from imaginary covers, but I just had to show off his awesome work.   If you like these, I will be happy to share his upcoming robots as well...


  1. Been reading this blog for a little while now and felt i had to comment this time. I love the covers that you do and i imagine the stories within. You come up with some team ups i never would have imagined, ever. I write in to say those robots are amazing. They have a cute charm to them that gives them life. Even though the images are still I can really see an animation within them. You and your brother are both amazingly creative people and I personally wouldn't mind seeing more of them should you post more.

  2. Thanks, I appreciate it and so does Eric!

  3. These are way too neat. Thanks for sharing. Feel free to post some more of his work.

  4. Keep them coming. They are great.

  5. These are too awesome to not use in some way, Ross. Maybe you can turn some of them into backup for Robo-Force or something one of these days (using that tool you made use of a while back to make comic-book images from photos).

  6. A couple of weeks ago I visited the Society of Illustrators Gallery in NYC. I went to see an exhibit of Dick Dillin artwork, but they also had an exhibit of fantasy and SF artwork. There was a robot sculpture on display that looked very much like these. I didn't make note of the artist's name. Was it Eric's work?

    And how about using one of these on a cover? Maybe with the Metal Men... or the Transformers... or even better, Neil Gaiman's Mr. Hero?

  7. No, but I think his work belongs in a gallery!

    As for including one on a cover, I have no idea how I would do it, but stranger things have happened...

  8. Your brother does awesome work! Can he do one of a giant robot stepping on Blue Beetle and Booster Gold?

  9. These are really quite good. You have a very talented family. I came in to suggest that you use these in some of your wonderful cover designs, but I see that a couple of people have beat me to the punch.
