Sunday, September 28, 2014

Green Lantern and Gollum

This is another one of those stories that I think would pretty much just write itself.  I remember seeing the animated Lord of the Rings in the movie theater when I was a kid, and I was just the right age for it.  I loved that it was a more adult cartoon than I had been used to seeing and I was blown away by the rotoscoping effects.  I have seen it many times since, and I understand why Tolkein purists and others have their issues with it, but for my 9 year old self it was awesome to watch.


  1. I am approxımately your age, Ross, and I remember the televısıon premıer of the anımated Lord of the Rıngs. I wasnt ready for ıt. I found the ımages and anımatıon style dısturbıng and creepy and I changed the channel. I DID, however, LOVE the anımated fılm Watershıp Down, about the rabbıts and hares. That was pretty adult too, but more to my lıkıng. Years later ın college (early '90s) ı apprecıated Lord of Rıngs.

  2. Oh yeah, we watched Watership Down over and over... still quote lines from it all the time. Might just have to pop in my DVD of it...

  3. I prefer the animated version, especially the soundtrack, to Peter Jackson's effort.

    There. I said it.

  4. Genius idea! Or should I say...precious!

  5. Awesome! Although I think the orange ring would be better suited for Gollum.

  6. The GLs had their own War of the Rings storyline throughout until NEW 52 happen ed. For a IRL crossover, perhaps Alan Scott the Golden Age GL would have been a more appropriate match, given the preference of the mystical qualities over the scifi elements of Hal Jordan, but doubtlessly the artistic quality is closer.

    Perhaps an X-over with WATERSHIP DOWN itself someday? ANIMAL FARM?

  7. How about Sauron and the Nazgul -vs- The Mandarin?
    (or mother box vs the wand of Watoom)?

  8. "How about Sauron and the Naxgul -vs- The Mandarin?"

    I _knew_ there was a big ring-related character over at marvel, but my brain kept locking onto that doofy "The Thing" cartoon.

  9. Ah, yes! The Ralph Bakshi classic that covered FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING and the first half of THE TWO TOWERS.

    Most video companies reissued that, ten years ago, as part of a multi-pack also featuring he Rankin/Bass versions of THE HOBBIT and RETURN OF THE KING. All, of course, to coincide with the theatrical release of the New Zealand LOTR trilogy.

  10. @Anonymous: Just recently those animated films were issued on Blu-ray, as a package and separately.

    @Ross: If you're entertaining cross-overs with Bronze-Age animated features, they sure could have used Mighty Mouse in "The Secret Of NIMH".

  11. I too preferred the animated film to the movie!
