Monday, July 7, 2014

The Hulk and Magnus, Robot Fighter

Pretty much any time I see an image of Magnus, he is smashing some kind of robot to bits.  Seems to me that he would be just the kind of guy that The Hulk would not mind joining forces with.  No need for any major strategy sessions, just see a robot and pound away!


  1. Another great idea for a slugfest: Magnus vs. Iron Man 2020!

    P.S.---in light of your artistic subject, for today, the irony of the precautionary instruction below is truly lol-worthy! :-)

  2. Ah, you mean the "captcha" caption that says "Please prove you're not a robot." That's a good one.

  3. Another idea would be for Magnus to face off against some of the droids in Star Wars, like IG-88.

  4. Greatest mash-up not yet seen: Inferior Five vs. Not Brand Ecch!

  5. Something tells me that's not the real Hulk, but that Hulk Robot that showed up from time to time at Marvel :D

  6. My familiarity with Magnus is mainly through this blog, but I still would love to see him teamed with the X-Men to destroy Sentinels.

  7. How about Magnus vs. Transformers?

  8. Magnus will definitely be meeting more robotic characters in some future STF covers.

  9. Looks sweet Ross!

    Savage Hulk would smash up that future world, no problem ; D

    Its weird seeing Magnus, Solar and Turok at Dynamite comics instead with the rest at Valiant in it?

  10. @LEEE777: Dynamite's usage of them has earned them some "Acclaim."

