Sunday, July 13, 2014

Batman and the Outsiders Vs. Darth Vader

Darth Vader's character arc seemed to come to an end with his redemption and death in Return of the Jedi, so I assume that Star Wars: Episode VII will feature all-new villains.  Vader will be missed though, he has such a great look and presence onscreen.  I suppose another character could take up the mantle, but that could really misfire if not done carefully.


  1. wonder if looker would be immune to vader since shes a vampire also would be cool to see professor x use his mental powers on vader cool choice how bout red raven and red robin nighthawk and nightwing batwing and stingray or zantanna and clea

  2. I have not followed Star Wars beyond the films; the Marvel Comics, Splinter of the Minds Eye, and the Han Solo stories. I guess there is quite the Universe in the novels. Not sure if there is a real cinematic villain in the novels like Darth Vader...

  3. Love your work. May I submit a request for future issues ? What about Adam Warlock & Starfire (from New Titans) in "Orange is the new...Blackfire!" ? :D

    Thank you so much


  4. Starfire/Warlock is indeed a pairing that I have been meaning to get to...

  5. Awesome ; D

    I'm still waiting for them Marvel VS Star Wars one-shots, gonna happen, maybe even a big crossover event like what Marvel VS DC did. Its Disney, they going to milk it dry!

    Talking Disney how cool would a FF and Incredibles Team-Up be? Surprised it still hasn't been done yet.

    Very cool work!

  6. The CGI Clone Wars cartoon brought back Darth Maul as a cyborg. I don't see why they couldn't adapt that gimmick for a big-budget feature film. After all; Harley Quinn started out as a cartoon character. Now, she's in the mainstream Bat-books from DC!*

    *Not to mention, that one-season TV spin-off of BIRDS OF PREY about ten years back.

  7. Wait, Looker is a vampire???

    Also, how naive we all were about "Episode VII"...

  8. @Daviticus: I have zero complaints about Episode VII.
