Thursday, June 5, 2014

Robotman & Red Tornado Vs. Ultron

There are few villains that I have wanted to see on the big screen more than Ultron, so I was very happy when I heard them name of the Avengers sequel.  The casting of James Spader was inspired, and the behind-the-scenes footage revealing at least part of his robotic design has me feeling optimistic.  Still, I will have to be patient, knowing that his scenes will likely include a lot of CGI, It will probably still be quite a while before we see any actual footage of Ultron in action.


  1. man, I was hoping there's a sequel with Brainiac in part 2! I'd read this for sure if this were real!

  2. agree with Isaac. Hope his opponents are Machine Man and the Vision. This would then lead to Part 3 - Brainiac and Ultron Destroy Everything !

  3. I wonder if the script writers will tweak his origin so that its Thanos of Titan who makes Ultron go renegade on Henry Pym? After all; it was pretty heavily hinted that Thanos was the true brains behind the alien invasion in the first movie! And, I have to confess: I find that explanation, for Ultron's rebellious sentience, a lot more palatable than his CPU absorbing some of Pym's multi-personality madness.*

    *As was, more or less, hinted at in the comics during the 1980's!

  4. I could be misreading the intentions of Marvel's film writers (it wouldn't be the first time), but I thought that the addition of Thanos to the Avengers movie was to set up a tie-in to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. That movie (and the current comics incarnation) not only bears no relation to the 1969-2000 characters but were all previously existing characters in their own right, two of whom are inextricably tied to Thanos-- Gamora and especially Drax. Unlike the 'real' GG, the new version takes place in the current century, which makes a plausible link between the movies that much easier. The radical alteration of Star-Lord from the comics version would also make him a convenient stand-in for Corsair, should they ever overcome the legal hurdles to link the X-Men film franchise to the Avengers'.

  5. I agree with the suggestion put forth by Isaac and anon. A later issue with Machine Man and the Vision vs. Brainiac would be a real hoot!
