Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dick Tracy and Rorschach

I can't imagine that a by-the-books cop like Dick Tracy would have much patience for the likes of Rorschach, but that's just the kind of conflict that would make for an enjoyable tale.  Even if the were forced to work together, I am guessing that the story would not end with them gaining a grudging respect for one another.


  1. I also wonder how much patience a disturbed, impatient vigilante like Roschach would have for the likes of Tracy!

    PS: I'm also hoping we can someday see the Mighty Heroes in this column. Or maybe even just one -- Diaper Man and Captain Underpants seem like a natural pairing!

  2. DAMN !!

    This issue is a MUST-PURCHASE !

    I can see the story unfolding in my head already !

  3. I wonder how Tracy would react to a certain Caped Crusader if they had to go up against Pruneface and Two-Face?

  4. I'd like to see Tracy and the Dark Knight go up against Pruneface and Two-Face!

    1. Never mind Pruneface -- there was a Tracy villain named Haf-and-Haf who looked just like Two-Face.

  5. On second thought, the Batman and Tracy teaming up to rescue Moon Maid from Moon Man would be more logical.

  6. And, on third thought (re: Haf-and-Haf)? NAHHHHHHHHHH!

    Pruneface is undeniably more sinister-looking.
