Monday, May 5, 2014

Batman and Tintin in "Watching the Detective!"

Now that the third installment of Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy is getting closer to being completed, I hope that the director's schedule is freed up enough to allow him to focus on a new Tintin movie.  The first film, directed by Stephen Spielberg, was great and I would love to see Jackson pick up the reins of the franchise as planned.  Jackson always seems to have multiple future projects on his plate though, so there's no guarantee what he will be tackling next.


  1. :) I need to make this a screen saver or a wallpaper - this cover just makes me smile!

  2. This is a particular treat for me because it includes the cover of Star Spangled Comics #93 -- one of the first two Golden Age comic books I ever bought, at my first convention way back in 1971. (The other one was World's Finest Comics #38.)

  3. Dude, have you seen this?
    Someone is using your cover to repackage a famous unofficial Batman/Tintin team-up released for the first time in the 90s, I believe:

  4. Wow - I hope nobody falls for that!
