Friday, April 11, 2014

The Flash and Doctor Strange

Often Marvel movies will have subtle Easter eggs hinting at future projects, and there was clearly one unambiguous one in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.  When a list of people that HYDRA considers to be a threat is mentioned, Stephen Strange is name-checked.  I am sure that is not something that was inserted lightly, so I consider it to be the first true confirmation of a Doctor Strange film, something I have heard rumored for years.  Now let's start hearing about some Directors and actors....


  1. I read somewhere that Whatshisname, "McDreamy" from Grey's Anatomy was interested. They're obviously going to find someone with high box office like Robert Downey, Jr. I really hope they stay away from Johnny Depp.

  2. I always enjoy your covers, but I'm puzzled by your frequent use of the heroes' real names. Flash is almost never called "Barry Allen" on a cover, unless he's shown in the process of unmasking, or is sharing the cover with Jay or Wally and a distinction has to be made. Within a story, sure, but on a cover it seems -- unnatural (and definitely unmarketable).

  3. I wouldn't quite hold my breath for a Doctor Strange film. It's probably going to happen eventually, but having the name shown in a film only means that he exists in that version of the Marvel Universe. There may well be no specific plans other than "We want to do this whenever we get around to it."

    1. You do realize Doc Strange is part of Marvel's Phase 3 , right?

      -Mike Tabor

  4. Bob - this is the Sorcerer Supreme! A mask is hardly enough to prevent him from knowing who he is actually performing a ritual on!

  5. True, but that's not my point. Names like Barry Allen, Ted Grant, and Walter Langkowski on covers don't sell comics as well as Flash, Wildcat, and Sasquatch do.

  6. Good thing I'm not selling these then! The Flash's logo is pretty prominent so I think that would outweigh the thought balloon here. At any rate it's just a personal preference. I figure most who follow a blog like this will get my various references, especially when they are fans of a particular character.

  7. I remember the 1978 "Dr. Strange" TV-movie that was done for CBS! Which was only logical, at that time, as they were already running THE INCREDIBLE HULK starring Lou Ferrigno and the late, great Bill Bixby. Plus, the not-quite-as-successful SPIDER-MAN series starring Nicholas Hammond (more famous as the older son from Julie Andrews' SOUND OF MUSIC).

    In any event, the TV-movie co-starred Clyde Kusatsu as a suit-and-tie-wearing Wong...and the late, great Sir John Mills as "Thomas Lindmer" (who evidently hated being called "The Ancient One!").
