Sunday, April 20, 2014

Justice League of America Vs. Terminus

I have always loved giant bad guys.  Galactus, Chemo, Starro, Fin Fang Foom, The Sentinels, even the Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man... it always made for a cool visual to see my favorite heroes up against a Godzilla-sized opponent. I think that John Byrne's creation Terminus was a nice addition to the ranks of colossal villains.


  1. Into the Mıcrocosmos! Thıs cover was taken from my favorıte JLA saga ın the 1980s. It seems my best memorıes of DC are all pre-Crısıs.

  2. This particular battle actually happens in the first issue of JLA/Avengers.

  3. Now, I have to go re-read JLA/Avengers for the Terminus sequence...

    This is awesome!!!
