Saturday, December 14, 2013

Wild Dog and The Punisher

Wild Dog only had a handful of appearances - A mini-series, a special and a serial in Action Comics Weekly - but he struck a nerve with me.  Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty created a character that seemed to be to be a more realistic take on a Punisher-type of vigilante.  He kind of faded into obscurity fairly quickly, but the must be a few other fans out there, as I have seen him make a cameo here in there during big DC get-togethers.


  1. Wild Dog has long been a favorite of mine. I re-read it recently, and it still stands up. I think it's long overdue for a collection of the entire series.

  2. great pair up! I remember the Wild Dog mini-series that came out in the late 80s. it's too bad they weren't able to get some better writing and art work for the character.

  3. @Shlomo Ben: Wild Dog was only written and drawn by the two men who created him, Max Allan Collins and Terry Beatty, the team behind Ms. Tree. Other artists drew him in wordless cameos and covers.

    @John: All of his stories together come to 296 pages and if you throw in full covers (8pp), text pieces (10pp), Who's Who entries (3pp) and an article noting his cameos and ensemble cover appearances, you could get two reasonable sized paperbacks or one honking huge one.

  4. pblfsda: I bought the mini-series after having seen the DC house ads for it back in the day. regardless of who created the Wild Dog character it seems that his debut to the DC Universe might have generated more popularity had he been written and illustrated better.

  5. Wild Dog is DC Character that should've been created by Dark Horse, IDW or another independent! It was great and so offbeat, if it came out today I'm sure it would be an independent graphic series. DC and Marvel don't have the heart anymore to publish something so unique.

  6. Wild Dog turned up in Booster Gold's recent solo series as part of a group of heroes who formed a resistance movement against a tyrannical Maxwell Lord in an alternate timeline.

  7. He's included in the recent SCRIBBLENAUTS UNMASKED game, too. Someone out there remembers him.
