Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Creeper and Daredevil in "Mob Rule!"

Daredevil as a live action property is back in the hands of Marvel, and it will be interesting to see how they proceed with the character.  While I think that it would be cool to have another cinematic outing, this time with Marvel Studios at the rein, maybe there is another route they could take.  Of all of their most popular characters, I think Daredevil would be most suited for a TV series.  His powers, adventures and adversaries are larger than life, but for the most part still down to earth enough to adapt to a weekly series without having to water down the concept. Add in the legal aspect and  you would have all the ingredients for a successful series.  Whether they decide to go with the big screen or the small screen, I hope that Marvel doesn't wait too long before they give DD another shot.


  1. I whole-heartedly agree that a Daredevil TV series has greater potential than another live-action attempt.

    Great image!

  2. Absolutely!
    The Flash with John Wesley Shipp had enormous potential that went untapped! It was CSI before there was CSI! Characters like The Flash, Green Arrow and Daredevil are perfect for television. Maybe that could be a route for The Punisher, as well; as a 10pm/9 CST series, kinda like The A-Team...

  3. I don't know. In fact, I disagree! If it's not on HBO, Showtime or AMC, to allow for strong adult content (The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead) the hands of the writers will be tied. Cable television is the only place for superior, powerful, no-holds barred writing. The networks are a joke (Green Arrow? Its a soap opera at this point!). No, I would only want to see Daredevil or Punisher on HBO, written for Mature Audiences Only!

  4. E.L. is right. Network T.V. sucks. I know I've been spoiled by cable.
    There might have been some potential for a good show about Ollie Queen on HBO, say.

  5. I've got a different Marvel character who I want to see get a TV show, and that's She-Hulk.
