Thursday, October 17, 2013

Plastic Man and Deadpool

These two wise guys may have been created a generation apart, but I think they would work perfectly well in a story together.  They both see their respective worlds differently from any other hero and neither ever seems to take things too seriously, no matter how dire they situation they find themselves in. Whether they would get along or be at odds, it would be a fun story to read!


  1. Anything with Plastic Man draws my attention. I couldn't care less about Deadpool, whoever he is. Grant Morrison and Howard Porter brought ol' Plas back from comic book limbo.

  2. If I may, another one that's going to be fun to see: Deadpool and the Joker.

    Just to see who would be the most crazy.

  3. Never mind Deadpool and Joker. Steve Strangio just reported from New York Comic Con that the two most popular cosplay costumes there were Deadpool and Harley Quinn. (I noticed a similar trend at Rose City Comic Con.) Not only are they both nuts, but they have somewhat similar color schemes to their outfits.

  4. One thing that's interesting about these two is they're both basically indestructible. Things could get hairy if they turn against each other...

  5. I think they would literally kill each other. What they, themselves, might call M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Daffiness)!
