Friday, October 18, 2013

Death and Hela

Forget the grim reaper - when it comes to the living embodiment of death in comic books, the depiction is sometimes a bit more attractive than a skeleton wearing a cloak.  I guess it only makes sense to soften the image of death in comics, as it is not nearly as final a state of being  that it is on the real world.  If you are a comic character who passes on, usually you just have to bide your time until you are resurrected in one manner or another.  In the meantime, you get to hang out with a cute goth chick or a leather clad temptress - doesn't sound so bad to me.


  1. Great title on that cover!


  2. I'm with Doug. There's a lot of good stuff about this cover, but the title is what makes it a true STF:LI classic.

  3. @Anonymous: Hela is the queen of the underworld in Norse mythology and has appeared periodically in Thor stories for Marvel.

  4. Pblsfda - I can always count on you to answer any comic character related question, fore I even get a chance to see it! I think I am pretty well versed, but you are a walking comic encyclopedia!

  5. @Ross: I'm blushing. Obviously you know Hela's c.v. because you paired her with Gaiman's Death, even though her name doesn't really give away her function. Considering that half the things Liefeld put out in the 90's had either 'Blood' or 'Death' in the title, the fact that you remembered who the real deal is is part of why I check this blog out every day.

  6. Not bad! How about one where Hela gets fought over by Evil Ernie and Marvel Zombie Thor?
