Sunday, August 4, 2013

Deadman and Mephisto

It's only fitting that I feature Boston Brand today since I just had a great time at the Boston Comic Con.  Getting in was crazy, I don't think they were expecting such a huge crowd and the line took almost two hours to filter through.  It wasn't that bad, all the cool costumes gave me and my brothers plenty to look at.  We had a blast once we got in, highlights for me were talking to a couple of my favorite pros, Phil Jiminez and Lee Weeks.  Just great guys.  I had some nice brief chats with Bill Willingham,  Colleen Doran, Mike Mignola, Aaron Lopestri, and Mark Bagley as well.


  1. Cool shirts!...

    No about this Deadman-Mephisto team-up...

  2. Ross, the shirts look great - so, how can the average Joe get one of these? There have been many times since I've been following your work that I said - that would be a cool shirt....

    Enjoy Boston and bask in the glow of those compliments. You've done a great job.

  3. Unfortunately, I don't think it would be legal to sell shirts as I don't own the rights to the characters or the artists.

  4. Sell them? Oh no, absolutely not, clearly in violation of copyright. Barter? Welllll... it's grayer, that's for sure. However, as a prize in a contest for whatever you may happen to need, but would otherwise not ask for in barter directly? Well, it's more honest than legislators accepting "speaking fees" after they leave office.

  5. A super-team family t-shirt (I would prefer, of course, a Black-T) would be a prize possession for any kickstarter campaign or charitable fund raising event. Think about, Ross.

  6. I would love to get a Super-Team Family shirt! Get your accountant talking to the appropriate companies. I'm sure you'd realize a net gain.
