Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Black Cat and Catwoman (Part Two)

I wrote a few days back about how Ed McGuinness' style translated well to animation.  Amanda Conner is another amazing artist with a style that I think would be perfect to animate.  It's been a while since DC has announced any of their animated shorts featuring b-listers to go with their full length features, but if they begin that practice again I'd love to see a Power Girl short with Conner-inspired character design.


  1. Awesome cover! Smokin'!

    I wonder what business model or game plan Warner Bros./DC is developing now that Bruce Timm is no longer part of the animation division. Without him or Jeph Loeb, I wonder what creativity is left there.

    As much as I like Teen Titans Go!, reviving that instead of reworking Green Lantern to be better than it was, and keeping Young Justice going just seems like a step back rather than a step forward.

    As a DC fan I'm concerned as to what's becoming of my favorite characters...

  2. With the passing of Dwayne McDuffie I noticed a drastic decline in the quality and the direction of DC/Warner animation! Now it seems the focus is on the pre-school market (which is quite lucrative! Ask any young parent searching for rated-G programming). But with Bruce Timm gone, its a wrap. The jettisoning of Green Lantern and Young Justice establishes that DC animation is not for adults anymore.

  3. Did you play with the art here any, Ross? These two Cats look not only like they were drawn by the same artist (which of course they were in this case), but were designed to go together.

  4. Ross said...
    Fiddled with the colors a little to make then match closer but just got lucky with the poses. I had had the Black Cat image in my files for a while and when I stumbled on the Catwoman pose I know just where to use it.

  5. Love thus cover .... but hate Selina's outfit. Why do they keep updating her look soooo much! She's becoming unrecognizable to me.

  6. I love this. I agree with the idea of Conner's style being animated wholeheartedly--so much so....

  7. Great minds think alike, Acer!

  8. Oh, they’re in trouble now! 🫢
