Monday, June 10, 2013

The Black Cat and Catwoman (Part One)

I have a feeling that these two would be kindred spirits.  They both love the cat theme, skirt the line between good and bad, and know just how to wrap their respective heroes around their fingers.  In fact, I don't think that a single issue is enough to contain the fun they would get into if they got together.  And so, their tale will continue tomorrow...


  1. That's a very cool cover!

    Spider-Man has so much in common with The Dark Knight - even their rogues gallery is pretty similar.

    Green Goblin is kinda like The Joker; Killer Croc is kinda like The Lizard...

  2. Always been a curious one, this. Marv Wolfman swears he didn't consciously consider Catwoman when he created Black Cat, originally as a villain for Spider-Woman rather than Spider-Man, and by all accounts Marv is straight as a die in what he remembers. On the other hand, how could *any* writer conjure up a cat-burglar-themed villainess and *not* be influenced?

    The 70s comics Catwoman was a different creature to the late 80s/early 90s version that has since become established, but the Catwoman from the 60s Batman show, most notably played by Julie Newmar, predates the Black Cat template to a tee. And this Catwoman was more in line with the feline femme fatale from the noir 40s comics.

    I love both characters, so fair play to all concerned - but I'm not sure about Marv Wolfman's convictions on this one. ::grin::

    Also: there's a LOT of commonality with Batman and Spider-Man when you start to dip beneath the dark/light surface. Orphans driven (in different ways) by the tragic death of a beloved parent (or parent figure), raised by an elderly guardian to inherit the deceased parent figure's rigid sense of responsibility, on the grey-shaded edges of the law, and yes, the rogues' galleries (Joker/Green Goblin, Bane/Venom, Catwoman/Black Cat, Hugo Strange/Mysterio, Croc/Lizard, Clayface/Sandman, and probably many more). I guess that's just because they both represent a certain heroic archetype as much as anything else, but it's certainly one that catches an audience's imagination, and one which continues on in a tv show like Arrow for a new audience.

  3. Another similarity between the two is proceed to soldier on after the death of a loved one at the hands of a bitter enemy (Spiderman/Gwen and Batman/Jason). I'm sure there's other similarities to be found. That's why these two teamed up so much in the 90's. But before I digress I have to thank you Ross for using the Golden age costume for Catwoman. My all time favorite and a must for anyone doing good girl art. Any chane of Catwoman/Phantom Lady?

  4. Thants an interesting request. Catwoman and Phantom lady are both DC characters but I don't think they have ever appeared together.

  5. I don't think Spiderman is Marvel's equivalent of Batman, DAREDEVIL IS! I mean, come on, guys.

  6. Actually, Catwoman and Black Cat may not get along as well as you might think:

  7. Ross, you can use the one Not owned by DC. I think the Golden Age one will do.
