Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Rocketeer and The Bulleteer

I enjoyed the Seven Soldiers event from DC a few years back.  Grant Morrison's series of mini-series which introduced and re-imagined several characters and was filled with interesting concepts and plot twists (and a few dashes of incomprehension - it was by Morrison, after all).  One of the titles I liked the most was The Bulleteer, which I thought was a cool update on one of the great classic super-heroes.  Some of the Seven Soldiers have found homes on the New 52 DCU, and I hope The Bulleteer will find a place to shine, figuratively and literally.  I think she has shown up in the background a couple of times, but what she really needs is a permanent home - Birds of Prey perhaps?


  1. The Bulleteer was the ONLY part of Morrison's "Seven Soldiers" that I enjoyed.

  2. Hey Ross,

    Are you aware of this website that links to free domain vintage comics?

    It is too much fun to read some of these old titles. Remember as a kid in the comic specialty shop, when you wouldn't even dare ask the manager to take down that 1936 issue of What?ver #3 to look over it, cuz it was worth $1,000 dollars. Well now you can read it online. Hope you can use it for future vintage style covers.

  3. bulletman and bullet girl with colossus or blue falcon speaking of which blue falcon and falcon ex mutants and x-men

  4. Except The Bulleteer can't fly. her only power is super-hard skin. She runs to the scene of a disaster. Some cameo appearances had her flying, but ASAIK that's incorrect. Clayton Emery

  5. Grant Morrison is over-rated.
