Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spider-Man and Darth Vader

it will come as no surprise to readers of this blog that I am a fan of lost tales and untold stories.  So the announcement of Dark Horse Comics' upcoming adaptation of The Star Wars, George Lucas' rough-draft original screenplay, has me very intrigued.  The story involves Jedi Annaikin Starkiller, a six-foot tall lizard-like alien Han Solo and General Luke Skywalker and is apparently quite different from what we saw up on the screen in 1977. I had heard rumors about this early draft for years and it will be cool to finally see it realized. This 8-issue series was announced on April Fool's day, but apparently it is the real deal (It was also announced at WonderCon the day before).


  1. no way that can be darth was in a galaxy far far away a long time ago hes just messing with spidermans mind now we should see deathlok vs darth vader or cyborg vs vader also glcorps vs the empire

  2. I would have prefered it if Darth said to Spidey "Isn't it a right b*stard eating out of a mask without an opening for the mouth?"

  3. I remember a TV Key Mailbag (found in my local paper's Saturday TV insert) which had some reader asking about the history of Darth Vader. The answer, supposedly from Lucas, was that Vader had been a red-skinned alien who fought Obi-Wan at the lip of a volcano, which caused his lung injuries so that he had to be encased in the suit. Obviously once the idea to make him the father of Luke and Leia came up that had to be scrapped. But the red skinned alien was probably revived as Darth Maul.....

  4. The volcano origin came from an old Marvel Star Wars comic Annual, and yes, several things from the first three years of that comic series were junked when Empire came out. Jabba was humanoid, for instance. Also, there was a cyborg bounty hunter in a fill-in issue by Walt Simonson in late 1978 that became a fan favorite. In 1979 there seemed to be a subplot suggesting that he would eventually cross paths with the regular cast but just before that would have happened Darth found him and killed him. At the time I thought it was a waste of a character that never got fully used. Then Boba Fett showed up in the movies and the decision to kill off the more sympathetic bounty hunter character made more sense.

  5. Whoa, that's right: Disney owns Marvel and Lucas. It could happen.

  6. That treatment never came to any comics store I frequent! So, I have to assume that, for most SW fans, it was about as popular as a lead balloon

  7. How can I get a High Res copy of this Cover? I'd like to make it a 8x10 or even a Poster... Thanks for your creativity.

  8. The cover is posted full size, that's as high res as it gets.

  9. The comic book shop owners in my neck of the woods must not have had much faith in that adaptation of the rough draft original. The lack of reliably consecutive issues, purchased for their racks, was exceeded only by the equally poor showing of "War Of The Independents"!*

    *Still no WOTI #5.
