Monday, April 1, 2013

Solar: Man of the Atom and Radioactive Man

Even if you aren't a huge Simpsons fan, it is definitely worth checking out the various Radioactive Man comics from Bongo if you love comic books.  The Simpsons has always been a comic friendly show, but the Radioactive Man comics are where the passion for the medium really comes out.  They are chock full of references to classic characters, story lines, quotes and artistic styles from the comic books we all grew up loving.  They are pretty darn funny as well!  It's clear that the creators of these stories are huge fans of the genre.

This issue marks the end of an era for The Lost Issues.  This will be the final cover created with MS Paint.  Beginning tomorrow, all covers will be created with Photoshop.  April 4 will mark the Three Year point for The Lost Issues and with over 850 covers, I am glad that I got the opportunity to show some of what was possible with a relatively simple program like Paint, even if many of the early attempts were pretty rough.  It's time to move forward though, and Photoshop has rejuvenated me.  I will caution against expecting any immediate leap in quality though - tomorrow's cover was literally created the day I downloaded PS.  So please be patient as I go through my growing pains while learning the bells and whistles of this cool new tool.

As always, thanks for following and hopefully the best is yet to come!


  1. Wicked cool cover!
    This would be a seriously funny team-up! I could never get into the Valiant books. I've read some of the Radioactive Man comics, I love how there is always a punchline.

  2. This is a very cool cover. Keep up the good work, and the clever ideas.

  3. congratulations on the upgrade!

    I know you're going to enjoy having layers to work with instead of just the single layer canvas. I also suggest looking up editable and lockable/unlockable masks as well as color correction as handy tools in your work.

    Best of luck, and look forward to the eventually big 1,000. :)


  4. Oh yes, they all come in quite handy!

  5. Obvious Q. FakenameApril 2, 2013 at 11:18 AM

    But seriously, who chooses April 1st to make any for-real announcements?

  6. How about Bart Simpson's Radioactive Man vs. Marvel's Radioactive Man?
