Sunday, April 21, 2013

Firestorm and Iron Man

Well, Summer is almost upon us and that means that it's time for all the big splashy blockbuster movies to start coming out.  At one point in my life I would be most looking forward to the latest project by Arnold Schwarzenegger or Stephen Spielberg to get the most band for my movie buck.  These days, it's all about the Superheroes.  Kick-Ass, Thor, Wolverine, Superman and the Star Trek gang are all back for another outing and it looks to be an interesting movie season.  Of  course Iron Man 3 will be kicking off the whole shebang and that looks to be one of the more guaranteed hits.  I had my reservations about the second installment, but part 3 looks to me like the franchise is back on track!  Now let's get Tony in the suit depicted above for Iron Man 4!


  1. when will you do xena and buffy? it has to happen.

  2. Was it Firestorm?

  3. That Xena/Buffy crossover is a great idea. Let's see it, Ross!
