Monday, April 22, 2013

Captain Marvel and Marvelman

I'm still waiting to see what Marvel is going to do now that they have the rights to Marvelman/Miracleman.  I have still never read the acclaimed Alan Moore issues and hopefully reasonably priced reprints will be available soon.  Will the character be integrated into the Marvel Universe?  There was some speculation that that would happen at the end of the current Age of Ultron series, but that has been since denied (although Angela, formerly of Image's Spawn, will be making her Marvel debut there).  Whatever they decide, it is going to be a big event, and I can't wait to see what creators will be involved.


  1. Nice too bad you didn't throw in Mighty Man and thunder girl for a 4 way fight

  2. this matchup has been loooong overdue! but its nice to finally see it!!!!!!!

  3. marvels starfox meets nintendos starfox also skull the slayer and stalker from dc should team up conan vs heman or he-man and tarzan

  4. If I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Marvel to publish Marvelman in any way, shape or form. I have the sneaking suspicion that they just wanted to keep him off the market and support their Marvel brand nothing more, nothing less. So disappointing as how they might be the only comic company to do the character justice after Moore, Gaiman and the others.

  5. The very first Alan Moore/Gary Leach Marvelman story, especially as reprinted in MIRACLEMAN # 1 from Eclipse with a new introductory bit, is the single best-written and drawn comic book story I have ever read. I've read it over and over and it still gets me every single time.

    It continued apace with brilliant use of Moore's knowledge of comics histories and cliches for a while but then bogged down and ultimately got mind-bogglingly pretentious!
