Monday, March 25, 2013

The Doom Patrol Vs. Doctor Doom

Now this is a battle that I would love to see.  I can see Doom setting an elaborate trap for the Fantastic Four, only to have the Doom Patrol stumble upon it first.  These characters just seem like they would naturally go together, beyond just the similar name.  Perhaps if Victor Von Doom had met Dr.Niles Caulder when he was first disfigured, he would not have gone off on the villainous path that he did.


  1. That's a great cover!

    The Doom Patrol and Challengers of the Unknown are such cool characters - like the Fantastic Four.

    What kind of surgeon is Niles Caulder? In the Justice series he was able to understand Aquaman's physiology and he was able to "speed" his natural healing ability...using the Star Wars healing tank...

    I really wish that the comics companies would publish more crossovers! That should be a department: inter-company licensing...

  2. Best cover yet!
    (Of course I say that about every third cover.)

  3. Really, rally digging this one man! Over @ my blog these two already mixed it up...sorta. Doom sued them over the use of the name Doom in Doom Patrol, and won to ,much hilarity.

    But yeah, a real battle between these two would be fucking awesome. the artist Ladronn(From Cable) or Darwyn Cooke has to draw this with an Alex Ross variant cover.

  4. i still hope amazo vs super skrull will be done also maxx and swamp thing or dracula vs legion or jsa
