Sunday, March 24, 2013

Silver Surfer and Stargirl

I guess it really isn't surprising that Geoff Johns decided to include his creation, Stargirl, in the line up for the new Justice League of America.  Her solo title was the first place that I took notice of Johns' writing skills.  I have to wonder though, what separating her from Earth-2 will do to her back story.  Does she still have ties to The Star-Spangled Kid and Stripesy?  Do they even still exist in the New 52?  Her connection to those heroes as well as others like Jack Knight was one of the things I really enjoyed about the character, and I hope that it is somehow maintained.  I am sure that Johns will flesh out her history in the pages of JLA sooner or later, so we will find out what has and has not changed soon enough.


  1. Ha! Nice twist to the whole 'Cosmic Rod' scenario.

  2. Hey, I just got sent over here by the Comic Book Resources blog, and now you've ruined my workday! I've been forced to scroll back through the entire archives of your stuff here. I've made it down to 131 now, so much good stuff. I really like the way you are able to so ably capture the "voices" of the cover blurbs and titles. They sound exactly like the stuff that made me want to read superhero comics in the first place! You've earned a permanent audience.
