Monday, December 31, 2012

The Punisher Vs. Judge Dredd

I missed the recent Dredd while it was in theaters, and I will have to catch it when it is available for rental.  It certainly looked like a much more faithful adaptation of the character in comparison to the Sylvester Stallone film.  One thing that kept me from seeing this is the highly stylized gore and violence that I saw in some of the clips.  I know that is in keeping with the printed stories, but I don't enjoy watching lots of blood on screen - which coincidentally killed my enjoyment of the most recent Punisher film.  I'll still check it out as I am a fan of the character and Karl Urban... plus I feel a strong urge to support any comic book film where the hero not only wears his helmet but keeps it on the whole time!


  1. Very clever and thought-provoking cover there. I'm not sure who could take who, since both guys are known for their ruthlessness, resourcefulness, and general all-around bad-assary. It'd be a hell of a fight that's for sure.

  2. Now that we have the CGI magic/technology, many creations can more realistically be taken to the big screen. I hope a Lobo film is in the works, since I see it as a cross between the look of the recent Judge Dredd film/300/ and Green Lantern. However, not even CGI could save terrible story (Punisher, Green Lantern, John Carter).

  3. Any Lobo movie should end the The Sweet's "Piece Of The Action" playing over the closing credits. If you haven't heard the song in a while, find it online, close your eyes, listen to the lyrics all the way through and imagine the trailer for a Lobo movie. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

  4. Cool would have been cool if it Was Punisher 2099 both are form the future after all

  5. id still like vixen tigra or vixen hellcat to be here also scout scalphunter american eagle or red wolf and tonto to team up nomad and guardian spiderman 2099 vs dredd or legion of super villians or fatal five

  6. How about Judge Dredd vs, Adrian Chase Vigilante. Or
    Punisher/Vigilante? Batman/Moonknight? Ka-Zar/Tarzan? J'onn J'onzz vs. Super Skrull (some revenge for an previous cover perhaps?)

  7. Batman has met Moon Knight - and will again! Another pairing on that list will be coming up before too
