Friday, December 28, 2012

Supergirl and Spider-Man

After all of the controversy with the whole clone saga, I am surprised to see Marvel once again replacing Peter Parker - this time with Doctor Octopus occupying Spider-Man's body while Peter has been killed off.  Don't get me wrong, this type of mind-swapping thing is hardly new to comics, but it is the kind of thing usually resolved in an issue or two.  Going to the length of ending the series and beginning a new one featuring Spider-Ock seems a bit much for a stunt that even a casual comic reader knows will be undone (right in time for the next Spider-man film, most likely).  We've already seen Spider-Man killed and replaced in the Ultimate Universe, and there are plenty of non-Parker spider-types running around Marvel these days as it is, so this latest wrinkle doesn't do much to excite me.  Hopefully the writers will find a fresh enough take on the whole villain in a hero's body plotline and Superior Spider-Man will be a pleasant surprise.


  1. Dave sez,

    I read an issue or two here and there of The Amazing Spider-Man, Peter Parker, Spectacular Spider-Man, Marvel Team-Up and Adjectiveless Spider-Man over the years. As good as Spider-Man's adventures were, DC always grabbed me more with Batman and The Brave and the Bold.

    I never followed the clone saga.

    This new gimmick doesn't sound the least bit interesting.

    I did follow the entire run of Bendis' Ultimate Spider-Man, though. I would still be reading the book with the new Spider-Man if Bendis hadn't written such a PERFECT ending for Ultimate Peter Parker. I just can't bring myself to read the new book.

    I'm not one for gimmicks, and this Spider-Ock is only a temporary thing.

    Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

  2. I expect the "Spider-Ock" saga is gonna suck (pardon my French). But that's just me.

  3. I really dig the match-up here.

    I like the idea of Spider-Ock, but I haven't been interested in reading Spidey for decades, and won't be starting based solely on this.

  4. future picks i hope would be league of extrordinary gentlemen and justice league alpha flight with either outsiders or red hood and outlaws excalibur and stormwatch or gen 13 alf and chewbacka or the ewoks

  5. They might just be counting on there not being another Spider-Man movie. :-)

  6. Not another Spider-Man movie? Pshaw, like that's gonna happen. I think the producers over at Sony learned from their last mistake (hope your paying attention WB/DC), so there's no way they'll make the same misstep again. Ross, you've done another boss cover. This should have been part of the first inter-company team-up.

  7. This story would have been a hoot! Nice job here...

  8. Could you do more Spider-man dating Supergirl covers
