Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Blue Devil and The Son of Satan

Blue Devil's original series was a ton of fun and the kind of comic that we don't see enough of nowadays.  I have enjoyed the character's appearances in various team titles since his own series ended, but attempts to darken him have taken away some of the original appeal for me.  Daimon Hellstrom was always a dark character, but he took on more of a superheoish role than he would later be known for when I first encountered him in the pages of The Defenders.  That remains my favorite version of the character, and the later, grittier stories he was involved in didn't do much for me.


  1. Why this team up seems dare I say...... devilishly fun!

  2. Finally, this was a long time coming! Now when do we get The Scarlet Witch and Zatanna??

    1. Add DC's Enchantress and the sorceress from the Squadron Supreme, and that would be epic!

      But after seeing this cover, I'd like to request Kid Devil and Hot Stuff'

  3. Zatanna and Scarlet Witch already met months ago in issue #18, did you forget?

  4. Nice is a pretty damn good idea for a team-up. I honestly wouldn't have thought to put them together, even it seems so damn obvious.

    Good one, and very believable and accurate plot idea as well.

  5. thanks for this hope some of these may come jarvis and alfred firestorm trying to join f4 also bloodshot vs punisher or wild dog or have a dog patrol with ace dynomutt krypto lockjaw

  6. 2 on that list are already made and just waiting their turn.

  7. How about adding Hellboy and the Demon and calling the group "Hell's Legion"?

  8. Kinda close to The Damned which I already did... but you can count on more Hellboy and Demon appearances for sure.

  9. I second the request for a Firestorm (both?) and Johnny Storm team up!

  10. There is a cover with a Firestorm and a Human Torch coming up.... not saying exactly who though, as it will be a while before it hits the blog.

  11. How about Constantine and Damian during his Hellblazer wanna-be days? That might make an interesting combo. I think that wast the last Marvel comic I ever bought.
