Monday, September 17, 2012

Martian Manhunter and Warlock

I was happy to see that J'onn J'onzz will be front and center in the upcoming Justice League of America ongoing series.  His inclusion on the roster of Stormwatch rather than the Justice League when the New 52 relaunch debuted seemed off to me and it is good to see him back where he belongs.  Who knew that after all these years, he would be mentoring Vibe again?


  1. Dave sez,

    Cool cover. I was never much in Warlock, though.

    The one thing that still annoys me about this The New 52 is the treatment of J'onn J'onzz.

    I get the argument that technology is the new fad, much like space was at the start of the Silver Age; and with Green Lantern and Superman, J'onn is kind of a odd man out, a third wheel...but I liked him more as a founder than Cyborg. Just my preference...

  2. I can't look at the Howard Porter image and the Jim Starlin image without seeing a Howard Porter image and the Jim Starlin image. These are two of my favorite characters, but I kind of wish they had both gotten their butts kicked by the Lord High Papal in an all-Starlin shindig. Cool premise though, entirely appropriate for both heroes.

  3. The only Starlin Manhunter that comes to mind is from Starlin's 1980 run on DC COMICS PRESENTS, which I don't think would have offered too many options for a cover.

  4. I used the Manhunter image from the cover of that DCCP issue for my Thing/Martian Manhunter cover.

  5. I've done a few lifts for Starlin mock-up covers, and found Hardcore Station very useful. See here, here, and here.
