Thursday, August 2, 2012

Sgt. Rock and Nick Fury

One of the more exciting solicitations I have seen from DC lately is for Joe Kubert Presents.  A six issue series that gives my all time favorite artist an opportunity to do whatever he wants?  I'm in.  Kubert plans to include some of the characters he is famous for, like Hawkman and Sgt. Rock, as well as other features.  Kubert's multi-decade career is amazing and he incredibly still seems to be getting better!


  1. I'm surprised this team-up didn't happen sooner in the series.

  2. This team-up really is a no-brainer, but thanks for officially putting them together. To see either/or Joe Kubert and Jack Kirby illustrate both men's adventures would be awesome as hell.

    If you go over to my buddy Googum's blog,, you'll find a funny skit that includes both of them together in their wonderful action figure glory.

  3. Now this one I beleave could happen.Both were of similar times and backgrounds
