Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hawk & Dove and Daredevil

It's too bad that Hawk and Dove was one of the first titles to be cancelled from DC New 52 line, but the characters and concepts are strong enough that I am hopeful that they will be given another shot sometime down the line.  Daredevil, on the other hand, seems to be in great shape lately.  The comic has been featuring fun tales with art from masters like Mike Allred and Marcos Martin., and now the movie rights have moved back to Marvel Studios.  The Joe Carnahan-proposed 70's take on the character sounded kind of cool, but I am really interested in what path Marvel will take.  I'm hoping for a TV series.


  1. TV Series huh? It could be half Law and Order, half superheroics. That would be interesting.

  2. I didn't go to the first Daredevil movie because the soundtrack album was released in advance and the choice of tracks tipped me off that there was something screwy going on. However the character gets compromised in order to transfer from one medium to another, the basic story is still about someone who loses one of his five senses but has the others boosted to super-human performance. But it was obvious someone in the production wasn't paying attention to detail and treating the soundtrack like an an irrelevant afterthought to be tacked on instead of an essential, integrated part of the whole. I mean, how are you supposed to empathize with a character who can tell if you're lying by listening to your heartbeat when the soundtrack is filled with deafening, bombastic, skull-splitting club mixes? If they missed the point on something so obvious, I wondered, what could they possibly have gotten right? I saw it on cable a few years later and it just confirmed my suspicions. Daredevil deserved something better than that.

  3. Great point about the use of sound in that film. What a missed opportunity.

  4. Yeah, I mean, I don't want to beat a dead horse or anything but I can't touch the film, I can't smell the film, I can't taste the film. There aren't too many doorways left into the title character's world, are there?

  5. How about using the Hawk and the Dove with the Don Hall version. I'm tired of the female version.

  6. Love the site man but don't use Liefeld pics in the future. The contrast is too jarring when put against real artwork.
