Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Firestorm and Power Man and Iron Fist

It looks like DC is re-thinking their most recent Firestorm comic series by getting it back to the "traditional one hero with two identities" concept and a costume closer to the classic look.  I have confidence in the talents of Dan Jurgens and definitely think this is a good move.  It will be interesting to see where Luke Cage and Danny Rand wind up once the Marvel Now initiative begins.  They have been hanging with the Avengers and Defenders for a while now, but with Marvel apparently wanting to look closer to their movie counterparts, I'm not sure if that will still be the case.

I liked the idea behind this cover but must confess that I didn't consider the ramifications when I first created it.  What would the merged hero be called?  Iron Man is already taken, so that would leave us with... Power Fist?  That just doesn't sound right.


  1. I think Power Fist would be an appropriate name. But just wait until Access shows up!

  2. "Iron Cage" would work better than "Luke Fist", which would cause a lot of confusion if you tried to market it in Scandinavia and people assumed it was a cookbook. "Honestly, I thought it said 'Lutefisk'..."

  3. Great choice and concept. Three heroes I read in the 80's. I hope to see more of Luke & Danny in the Now Marvel Universe. I also hope that Bendis has input on the direction they take. It would also be kool to see The Power Man & Iron Fist buddy movie become a realiity.Dan Jerguns will do a fine job on Fire Storm.


  4. That. Is. Amazing.

    Love it! You made my day! I'll feature this on FIRESTORM FAN sometime within the next week or so!


    The Irredeemable Shag

  5. Firestorm was DC's "Booster Gold" of the 1980s, but better in my opinion.

  6. I have even less hope for Marvel Now than I do for the New 52.

  7. How about "Powerstorm?"
