Thursday, June 14, 2012

Supergirl Vs. Storm

There was a lot to like about X-Men: First Class.  The characterizations were spot on and the costumes were much better then the biker leather of the previous X-films. Unfortunately, due to the wonky continuity previously set up in the franchise, this prequel could not feature the classic team of X-Men that fans really want to see in a film.  Now comes word that the studio has purchased the rights to domains pertaining to "Days of Future Past", which has sparked speculation that the next movie will be based upon the time-altering story line.  I hope that this is true, because it could give the filmmakers a chance to reboot the franchise with a timeline and look closer to the original comics.  Storm is one character that could really benefit from this as I feel that the original trilogy never got her right.  Halle Berry's accent was all over the place and the costumes were not nearly as cool ad Dave Cockrum's design - they could have at least kept the tiara!.  Her abilities seemed to be really reduced in scope as well.  We have yet to see a movie version of Storm really cut loose with the full power of her comic book counterpart.  Say what you want about the cheesy Supergirl movie from the 1984, Helen Slater looked great in the costume, which was right out of the comics.


  1. Helen Slater portrayed Supergirl in the movie. Linda Danvers is the alter ego of a couple of incarnations of the character from the comics.

  2. "Red-sun lightning?" As much as I hate to leave a negative comment, I have to wonder where the heck you came up with that. Really -- desperation, or something?

    The idea of putting these two together is cool, but the execution -- at least, that particular part -- leaves some to be desired.

    (Not that you aren't about due for a real turkey. I've looked at everything back to the start, and this really is the first one, so you really do have a pretty darned good record of excellence. Remember: George Lucas did "Howard the Duck.")

  3. Ross wasn't the first to use red sun lightning. Black Lightning used it to take out some Kryptonians recently.

  4. Impossible concepts like Red Sun Lighting is perfectly fitting for the pre-crisis Superman family, where all kinds of silly ideas were presented in almost every issue.

  5. Yeah, that's the vibe I was going for Robert, they were always fiddling with new ways to expose Superman to kryptonite back in the day.

    But Bob has a point... I just completed my 945th cover yesterday, and there's no way a few clunkers won't sneak through from time to time.

  6. 945th? You're closing in on 1000 then, and that means you'll need to do something epic for it... like maybe a massive group shot with "flagship" characters from every comic company and then some: Supes, Bats, WW, Spidey, Wolvie, Hulk, Iron Man, Deadshot, Ghost, Hellboy, the Champions (from the RPG), and anyone else who looks usable, maybe with Access front and center.

  7. That's counting all the B&B and MTIO issues. On STF, I am in the mid 400's currently.

  8. Still, 1000 is a pretty solid landmark.
