Monday, April 2, 2012

Power Girl and Power Man

I like Power Girl and I am glad to see that she will be getting another turn in the spotlight with the upcoming Worlds' Finest series, especially since that book will be featuring art by George Perez and Kevin Maguire.  Unfortunately, Power Girl is yet another victim of the New DCU's unattractive costume redesigns.  It seems off to me Supergirl now has a more revealing outfit than Power Girl!  But hey, at least she will have a recognizable costume, which is more than I can say for Luke Cage.  I can understand the desire to present him as a street-level hero, but the T-shirt and jeans look he has been sporting for the past decade looks out of place when he is fighting alongside the Avengers or Thunderbolts.  There have been a few recent tweaks to his look that are definite improvements, but what can I say - I'm a fan of his 70's threads.


  1. nice cover. I agree with you about the stupid costume changes.

    Fred Hembeck did a wonderful meeting between these two back in 1980, in "The Bride of Hembeck meets Abbott and Costello". it's hilarious.


  2. Yeah, the 70's threads were best for Luke. I loves me some Luke Cage.

  3. So what supervillain cross-over couple (who were on their own date night, natch) ruined Luke-n-Karen's night on the town?

    Vartox and Anaconda?
    Blockbuster (the smart one) and Nekra?
    Molten Man and Killer Frost?

  4. id say absorbing man and titania

  5. or giganta and either atlas or growing man or xemu

  6. Someone already mentioned the costumes..damn! Anyway...I always loved Power girls chest emblem....GIRL POWER baby!

  7. Arak and Warpath, Two Native-Americans, fight crime in a future time.

  8. Oh, I LIKE Atlas and Giganta. That's perfect.

    (And if we went went with Marvel's Titania, it's only fair to use DC's Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man!)

  9. I like how you had Power Girl steal Luke's 70s catchphrase! Nicely done!

  10. My guess as to the villain is that it's Professor Power, possibly backed up by the Squadron Supreme's Power Princess and maybe Brother Power, the Geek. Whoever it is, Luke and Kara are about to have them for a power lunch. And then maybe take a power nap. If Luke and Kara stay together after this, are they likely to become the parents of the Power Pack?
    In any case, this one is one of my favorite! Nice work!
