Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ghost Rider and Evel Knievel

I haven't seen Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance yet but I think I will get out of it what I did from the first Ghost Rider flick - a thin plot and hokey performances with some cool looking Ghost Rider effects to make things a bit more palatable.  Hopefully the second film has a better villain, that's what really did the first one in for me.  Evel Knievel held a special  fascination for me as a kid.  I remember watching his jumps on TV and thinking he was about the closest thing to a real-life superhero that there was.  I also used to love the Evel Knievel toy bike that you could crank up and perform stunts with.


  1. ha...another 40oz. of Awesome!

  2. great work R! These covers look like labors of love! I just read that Nova was Marvel's answer to Green Lantern (the Nova Corps? seriously?). So now I would love to see a match with Nova and the Red Lanterns! Red Lantern is the best series (IMHO) to come out of the new 52, and DC in general, in years. please check it out. Nova & Red Lantern!!

  3. Nova will meet a Lantern in a future cover...

  4. Huh, I would have gone Ghost Rider and US 1, the comic about the trucker. Did you already do the Western Ghost Rider and the biker/skull guy, or was that just a weird dream?

  5. US 1, wow! That takes me back to the 3rd grade schoolyard of my catholic school in Brooklyn. I never brought non-superheroe books, but I would read the issues of my friends who DID. US 1 was....interesting. Kinda like a BJ and the Bandit. Oh heck, it WAS Marvels' version of BJ and the Bandit!

  6. Diana, the scene you describe is from an actual Ghost Rider story so you didn't dream it!

  7. Inspired choice, Ross, and well executed. BTW, it's time to start thinking seriously about STF #100...

  8. #100 was a tough one but I hope it will be worthy of an anniversary issue...

  9. death and lady death,concrete and it living colossus,arion and dr strange,catwoman and josie and pussycats,starfire and firestar

  10. She-Ra and Red Sonja!
