Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Superman and Spider-Man

Ah, the Super-Mobile and the Spider-Mobile... never were there two more unnecessary superhero vehicles!  I have to admit, though - despite the fact that their respective heroes didn't really need them, I found them both to be kind of cool.  Those big telescoping hands on Superman's ride were funny and awesome at the same time. Spider-Man's car kind of resembled a dune buggy that my father had when I was growing up, so I thought that was cool too.  I remember there was a cool toy version of the Super-Mobile (probably one of the key reasons for its existence), but I'm not sure if the Spider-Mobile ever had one.  


  1. Dave sez,

    Awwww, yeah!

    I did not get the treasury version of their first team-up. I had the over-sized version of the second one. I now have the Millennium Editions of both. The second one is a pale sequel for sure...

    I've always wondered why Lex Luthor and Norman Osborn weren't paired up together...was it because Norman Osborn was killed off for a time - or am I mistaken about that? I started reading Spider-Man around '74.

    That would have been as epic a sequel as anything!

    Didn't Mego produce a Spider-Buggy along with Batman's crime lab van and The Joker's crime van?

  2. woah, that looks like one
    crazy-a*# episode! ...ha...and putting passers-by in harms' way at that! There appears to be a trend of combining the "zany" style of storytelling from the past, and adding a touch of gritty realism. Dwayne McDuffie was the master at doing this.

  3. jumping 17 issues hope we still see 52 through 67

  4. Just misnumbered, you didn't miss anything!

  5. Actually, I remember Superman using the Super-Mobile to visit planets orbiting red suns, where he would lose his powers and thus be unable to travel on his own. I don't recall why he was visiting any of those planets (maybe he was consulting with scientists or gathering components or something), but that does make for a pretty practical use.

    I'm completely at a loss about the Spider-Mobile, though.

  6. I love the Super-Mobile and the Spider-Mobile. Great cover featuring the superheroes and their rides.

  7. I had a Matchbox-sized Spider-Mobile, but I feel like it looked a little different from the comic version. I also had a Matchbox Spider-Copter with a web-rotor. That would've been at least 30 years ago though.

  8. According to spidermancollector.net, the AHI toy company made a Spider-Man dune buggy (and a Spider-Man motorcycle) in 1974. IIRC, Corgi or Matchbox or somebody made some DC vehicles in the late 1970's. They included a Daily Planet van, and a Joker (or Penguin?) car or van.

  9. Great, great cover. Thanks for the laugh.

  10. This might be your most inspired post yet! Don't get me wrong, I love all your covers... it's just this is friggin' brilliant! And the art blending is seamless!

    I can't stop laughing!

    The Irredeemable Shag

  11. Well, Superman had that Supermobile to protect himself from a kryptonite wave that hit the earth. He also used it to battle Amazo. No toy company influence as I recall. But a toy version did come out in the 80's, years after it's 1st appearance.
