Friday, March 2, 2012

The Justice Society of America Vs. Galactus

While I am glad that DC is bringing back Earth Two, the solicits are a little different from what I was hoping for.  The emphasis on the big three (Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman) actually has me interested, as they have been out of JSA continuity since the 80's.   I suspect it will only be for the introductory story and will, through sacrifice or otherwise, lead into the team of Wildcat, Green Lantern, Flash and the others.  The Writer, James Robinson, has an impressive JSA resume already and I would be surprised if he stayed away from the larger team for too long.  Still, I would love to see another series set during World War II, when the JSAers were all still new and in their prime.  Hopefully there will be some flashbacks or mini-series with that treatment down the road.


  1. Who tells them about the Ultimate Nullifier? Nabu?

  2. On the subject of future covers...did you ever do Cable vs Magog?

  3. Not yet but anything's possible... I can't say I am a big fan of either character.

  4. Nice job! I like this one a lot. :-)

  5. Dave sez,

    Very cool cover!

    I was excited when Earth-2 was first announced. It had the JSA. It had James Robinson.

    More and more it seems like Earth-2 is a mirror of The New 52. I'm less confident about that.

    I'm with you, Ross. Keep the JSA locked in from WWII to the start of the silver age.

    And bring back the annual JLA/JSA team-ups! Comics should be FUN!

  6. The Ultimate Nullifier and the Spear of Destiny! This is an awesome comic waiting to happen.

    An Invaders/Justice Society match-up would be great to see someday too...

    Any chance you could note the artist(s) and original issues for each cover? It would be even cooler if you linked to the original covers every time to compare the originals to your masterpieces!

    Thanks for all your hard work!
    It does my eternally 13-year-old heart good!

  7. I usually have the artists listed in my labels. I did a JSA/Invaders cover not long ago, so you can count on it showing up one of these days. The Invaders are slated to appear very soon though so stay tuned!

  8. I can clearly see the "[Rick] Hoberg & [Jerry] Ordway" signature on the left hand side of the cover, but I'm not positive where the Galactus originates. Was it one of the 'Marvel Adventures' titles?

  9. Galactus is from a pin up by the very talented Loston Wallace.

  10. Yes, I was hoping that Earth II would sort of pick up from 1985, and strongly reflect pre-Crisis continuity. I've recently finished re-reading virtually the entire All-Star Squadron run (unfortunate acronym, that), which still ranks as one of the best series, ever! I gave up buying new comics with the DCnU, but I was excited about Earth II. Now, not so much.
